Wednesday, July 23, 2008

At the top; Beneath the Skies

I told her, "Look up sister, there is always a place for you there."

The wallpaper version can be downloaded here.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Flame of the Forest!!!

Shes whom I call the flame of the forest, I met her again yesterday.

The wallpaper version can be downloaded here.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Life on a dead tree

The dead tree is live in the monsoon;
Birds and their chirping, orchids and their flowers , mosses and their green- With all these live upon its branches, all I believe is that the engine to life is often the life in others.

They live and so, you live.
The longer you live in them, the longer you live in the world.

The wallpaper version can be downloaded here.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Beauty they say you are poisonous; Are you??

Grandpa told me this beauty is poisonous; "...her pollen at the least" he continued, " can get you to a world afar..."

Well few care when she is so beautiful!

The bush that blooms far and wide in the monsoons, acclaimed to belong to the family of grass.

The wallpaper version can be downloaded here.